

science and technology神秘河

发布日期:2024-05-27 12:02    点击次数:117

BEIJING, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- From the Ruhr area in Germany to the Shougang industrial park in Beijing, one after another steel "giants" stand as witnesses to the development process of human civilization.

The Ruhr area in Germany is a significant industrial zone in Europe, once a coal and steel production hub for Germany. Essen's Zollverein coal mine industrial complex was one of the world's largest coal mines from the late 19th to the early 20th century.

↑ Scenery of Zollverein coal mine industrial complex

With Germany's transition in energy industry, the Zollverein coal mine industrial complex ceased operation completely in 1993. This exemplary modern industrial structure subsequently transformed into an arts and cultural center.

↑ People visit the No.12 shaft at Zollverein coal mine industrial complex

↑ People visit a coke-oven plant at Zollverein coal mine industrial complex

↑ A coke-oven plant at Zollverein coal mine industrial complex

↑ People look at a model of Zollverein coal mine industrial complex

↑ Ruhr Museum


↑ Escalators converted from coal conveyor belts

↑ People visit Ruhr Museum

 ↑ Scenery at Zollverein coal mine industrial complex

In 2001, the Zollverein coal mine industrial complex was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Founded in 1919, Shougang, meaning "capital steel" in the Chinese language, is an epitome of China's industrial history. Shougang has now been relocated to the neighboring Hebei Province, where the steel conglomerate has built high-end and eco-friendly iron and steel production lines.

↑ The last batch of steel-making operation at a plant of Shougang Group in Beijing (file photo)

Based on the facilities of a steel plant with a history of about 100 years, Shougang Park has been transformed into a comprehensive industrial service area integrating commerce, science and technology, sports, culture and tourism, and other industries.

↑ Scenery of Shougang Park

↑ Big Air Shougang

↑ Athletes compete during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics at Big Air Shougang

↑ People enjoy ice-and-snow activities at Big Air Shougang

↑ People enjoy the night scenery at Shougang Park

↑ The opening ceremony of China Science Fiction Convention 2023 at Shougang Park

↑ A shopping mall at Shougang Park

↑ People visit a digital exhibition at Shougang Park

In 2018, Shougang Park was included in the first batch of China's industrial heritage protection list. And it has also served as one of the venues for the China International Fair for Trade in Services.

↑ Views of Shougang Park Exhibition Zone of the China International Fair for Trade in Services

Planners: Wang Jianhua, Tu Ming & Tian Fan

Coordinators: Wu Wei, Wang Qingqin, Li Dexin & Hu Xiaobing

Photographers & Journalists: Lan Hongguang, Li Ga, Zhang Fan, Ren Chao, Luo Xiaoguang, Ju Huanzong, Huang Zongzhi, Chen Zhonghao, Zhang Chenlin, Peng Ziyang, Lu Yang, Qi Xiaoyi & Wang Jingguang

Visual designer: Sun Weitong

Editors: Niu Xiaolei神秘河, Sun Ruibo, Sun Weitong, Meng Chenguang, Li Mangmang & Zhang Keren■



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